Getting to know: Hannah Miley

2 Aug 2018

Glasgow 2018 starts in the pool tomorrow, and one of the British stars sure to capture the imagination of the Scottish crowd is Hannah Miley.

Here we find out a little bit more about her.

Hometown:  Inverurie

Biggest achievement: Making three Olympic teams, winning a world senior medal and defending my Commonwealth title in Glasgow

Favourite competition location:  Rome

Worst injury: I split my finger open six weeks before Worlds and then broke my hand six weeks before a different Worlds!

Where do you keep your medals? In a pair of socks

Who is your most famous follower on social media? I nearly screamed when I found out Misty Hyman followed me

How do you spend your downtime? Read, watch movies or do a Sudoku

Sweet or savoury? Sweet

Favourite music to wind down to? Scores to movies

Dream holiday location? Canada or the Bahamas

Who did you have posters of on your bedroom wall? I had pictures of swimmers – Misty Hyman, Mark Foster and James Hickman

Favourite takeaway: Wagamamas