Daley and Goodfellow win bronze in first international performance

British Swimming Judicial Code

British Swimming's Judicial Code document is used to govern the procedures of any protests or complaints and sets out procedures relating how to bring a complaint, and how it will then be processed through the judicial system.

British Swimming’s Judicial system is in place to deal fairly with protests and complaints in relation to matters falling under British Swimming's jurisdiction, as detailed at Rule 3.  This includes those arising from competitions promoted by or on behalf of British Swimming in England, Scotland or Wales.

Following approval by the September 2019 British Swimming Board, some changes have been made to the Judicial Code with effect from 1st January 2020.

Should you require a copy or  have difficulty downloading it, please contact the British Swimming Judicial Administrator for assistance on telephone - 01509 640270 or email legal@swimming.org.  A copy of the Complaint Form required to bring an action under the British Swimming Judicial Code is also available from the British Swimming Judicial Administrator on request.